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We are a group of local travel professionals who are passionate about trip-tailoring, aiming at saving you the hassle of trip planning by taking this part off your shoulders so you can just share your interests & travel preferences, which inspire us to craft your trip, so you can enjoy an authentic personalized experience.

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  • Travel & points of interest around Egypt
  • Egypt’s hidden gems, off-the-beaten-track destinations, and underrated sights & activities
  • Insightful local tips & trip-advice
  • Facts & misconceptions
  • Cultural & foreigner insights on Egypt


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We are open to writing sponsored content, specifically when the product or service offered is relevant to WhyNotEgypt, its purpose, and values. If you think you may have a product or service that is a good fit — reach out to us: advertise@whynotegypt.com!

We are open to discussing a wide scope of potential partnerships. At the same time, we at WhyNotEgypt want to stay genuine and authentic, and so retain the right to pursue the relationships that have our and our readers best interests at heart. Sponsored content opportunities on WhyNotEgypt include -but not limited to;

  • Articles on WhyNotEgypt or for publication
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We love to feature reviews for products & services that fit within the scope of WhyNotEgypt. We do care about remaining genuine & authentic, therefore we do believe that our reviews should always be unbiased, honest, and accurate, based on hands-on experience.

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